The Best Hotel Reviews in New York

best hotel

If there’s one thing all travelers agree on, it’s the importance of reading reviews. According to a recent Travelocity survey, 56 percent of millennials read 10 or more hotel reviews before making their reservation and nearly a quarter never book a hotel without at least checking online feedback. But not all hotels are created equal. A hotel’s rating, or star system, is a key factor in determining whether it’s worth the money and the trip. With so many different ratings and judging systems, the calculus isn’t always straightforward.

The 900-pound gorilla of hotel review sites is TripAdvisor, which features more than 661 million reviews of accommodations, airlines, restaurants and experiences. The company’s reputation precedes it, and its ranking system is widely adopted. However, the site’s fraud detection algorithms aren’t foolproof, and savvy travelers contact me regularly to report false or misleading reviews.

It’s time to call out the bad players. That’s why I consulted the best and brightest minds in hotel ratings to create this list of the top-rated hotels. We took into account the full experience, examining facilities and amenities as well as customer service. We also considered the quality of the hotel’s social responsibility, incorporating such factors as ecofriendly practices, charitable activities and community involvement. In addition, we examined how each of the hotels on this list are rated by the major hospitality organizations:

In the end, only one hotel received the highest overall score: The Westin New York in Midtown Manhattan. The property’s interior design reflects the city’s multiple personalities, including a curated art collection and an in-house Carnegie Hall performance series. It’s also a leader in the green movement with a variety of environmental initiatives, including a greenhouse gas reduction program and a rooftop solar array.

The Carlyle on the Upper East Side and PUBLIC in Lower Manhattan round out our top three picks. Their maximalism and Gilded Age glamour set them apart from the soulless, cookie-cutter hotels in the heart of Midtown. Those are fine choices for first-time visitors or those planning a whistle-stop tour, but if you’re looking for a more authentic city experience, consider staying in other neighborhoods like Little Italy and Chinatown, or even further afield on the Brooklyn waterfront.

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